In an era where communication is connected all over the world Learning English is becoming more and more important, but many people think of English as something far away. You don’t have to learn. Some people even say that if you’re in Thailand, you have to use Thai. That’s not wrong, but don’t forget that English is an international language used by many countries around the world. Therefore, if we study English with us Anyway, there are definitely advantages. And today Lini has 7 reasons why you should learn English to share as follows.
1. English is the most widely spoken language in the world!

Today, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is also an international language that connects people of different languages to understand each other more easily? And now there are more than 1 billion people learning English as a second language around the world!
So if you want to communicate with foreigners and keep up with others, it’s probably time to get serious about learning English. Moreover, we all know that English is not far away anymore. It is also directly related to our daily lives.
Think about it, if you don’t know English and suddenly a foreigner asks for directions:
“Excuse me, how do I get to…?” = “Excuse me, sir. I don’t know how I can get to…?”
We would probably be stunned even before he finished his sentence. And it’s even more painful when we want to help them but can’t do anything.
On the contrary If we know English and encounter a situation like this Will cope and be able to help them easily. Inadvertently, you might even make another foreign friend. Who knows?
2. Travel comfortably Wherever you go, it’s chill.

English is like a common language for people all over the world. And it’s a language that will save our lives when traveling abroad. For example, instead of saying,
“go go here here hotel” then we will know to say “Excuse me, how can I get to my hotel?” = “Excuse me, sir. I don’t know how I can get to my hotel, sir?” Make it easier for the listener to understand.
Or things like going to the airport, booking a hotel, booking a tour, asking for directions, haggling at a souvenir shop, and ordering food if we speak English well. You will definitely enjoy and have more fun with the trip than before!
That is because studying English until being able to communicate is It allows us to talk with more local people. Helps you learn culture or culture and opens up new perspectives within yourself. Then we will have a better travel experience. Maybe they will suggest that we do things that local people do or take us to see things that tourists like us would never know!
3. Can listen to movies, translate songs, read books.

This is purely for entertainment reasons, because nowadays we consume a lot of media and content in English, including watching movies, listening to music, playing games, and reading books. If we have knowledge of English, it will help us get more enjoyment out of it. For example, understanding foreign jokes in movies. When foreigners say the words wanna or kinda, it will be understood as meaning want to or kind of. In addition, it will help you listen to music and watch movies without having to rely on subtitles or subtitles.
Importantly, English from movies and songs is The best resource for learning spoken English because many slang words and expressions we can’t find in books, such as the word ’cause in “We don’t fit in well ’cause we” are just ourselves…” Ed Sheeran’s song Beautiful People, we know from the context of the song that the word ’cause is an abbreviation of because.
4. Use it at work to look professional.

When applying for a job at a company with a high salary Most of the time, companies already have requirements or need people who have English communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, or some companies may have additional conditions. That is, there is a determination of the English proficiency test score that must be obtained. Therefore the preliminary application criteria will be passed.
Therefore, knowing English will open many opportunities for us because it is a skill that every company is looking for. As many places accept us, we can choose the company we want to work for. It gives you the opportunity to travel to see work abroad. There are co-workers from many nationalities. And if you are a business owner You will be able to talk professionally with suppliers or distributors from abroad. And if you don’t know how to speak, There’s definitely hope for an opportunity to slip away!
Lini knows many people who are good at their jobs. Has very specific skills But I missed out on getting the job I wanted because I lacked English skills. Because now Everything from resumes, cvs to portfolios and sometimes job interviews must be done in English.
Knowing English therefore helps us work more comfortably, for example:
Talking with co-workers using small talk, asking about their welfare.
Sharing ideas and giving opinions in the meeting room, such as “I’ve got an idea.” = “I’ve thought of something.” Or asking for opinions about what we presented with the phrase “What do you think about this idea?” = “What do you think about this opinion/thing?”
Great sentences in presentations such as “Looking at this graph, you can see that our sales have increased by 10% since March.” = “Looking at the graph, We can see that our sales have increased by as much as 10% since last March.”
Negotiating with customers or business partners, such as “Can you bring it down to 30,000?” = “Can you reduce the price to 30,000?”
Writing an email Whether you are organizing/scheduling a meeting, negotiating/negotiating business matters, introducing a company, or inquiring about services provided by other companies.
Knowing English therefore equals an opportunity to help you work more fluently. Or some companies also increase the salary according to the English proficiency test score range. So if the score is good The salary is good as well!
5. Conversate in English effectively

This point is a continuation of the point above. Especially when applying for a job where there may be an unexpected interview in English. But if we already have basic English I can answer professionally. Especially popular sentences like “Please tell me about yourself” = “Please tell me about yourself” or “What do you think about your career in the next 5 years?” = “What do you think your job will be like? In the next 5 years?”
If we prepare well and can answer in English. You will look prepared and will impress the interviewer even more. or even a telephone interview Or answer job application emails in English. If we can do that, we will stand out from other applicants. This increases confidence and helps us have a better chance of getting the job.
6. Increase opportunities to study both domestically and abroad.

If you are studying or working And it is necessary to take an English proficiency test in order to continue studying. Preparation is very important. Especially when it comes to studying abroad. The more you must have an English proficiency test score such as IELTS or TOEFL in order to apply for admission. Plus, some branches in the country require you to submit scores to take the entrance exam as well.
Therefore, if you are thinking of preparing for your future career, you must look for an IELTS course or a TOEFL course today. Because these English courses will help prepare you in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. You will definitely not miss any good opportunities that will come your way!
7. Find someone who is late.

It can be seen that English is almost a part of our daily life in one way or another. Now I Love English offers a variety of English teaching courses. Suitable for all groups of people, all ages, fun to study, meets all needs in using English. and can actually be used. If you want to learn to speak English fluently and look more professional. You must study with our expert teachers. I guarantee that your English will definitely be better.
This is not a funny matter, because these days the time to wait for those in line to greet us is over. Because if we have knowledge of English You can be the one to go in and say hello first. Who can do this job well? The more you use dating apps like Tinder, OKCupid or Badoo, it will help you talk to more knowledgeable people.
And if you get a person from the F line who is Khun Sa then If we have a lot of English vocabulary in our head We can call our girlfriends in many different ways, including Darling, Honey, and Baby. On the other hand, if the person who calls us with these words We will understand as well.